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It’s Time to Extend Your Brand’s DMP Investment to TV

MarTech leaders are making big moves to embrace the evolving TV space, and they all revolve around data portability and bringing digital-like metrics to TV. Forbes highlighted the most recent announcement in the list of big moves, LiveRamp and Adobe are integrating solutions to further enable advanced TV advertising and measurement.

The message in the marketplace is clear: Brands are investing a ton in DMPs, CDPs and CRM systems to integrate, manage, and segment customer data for digital and direct marketing. It’s time to extend that investment to TV!

Since partnering with LiveRamp earlier this year, we’ve been helping disruptive brands apply their customer data segmentation to Linear TV and Advanced TV. For example, we work with a large retailer that maintains well-defined customer segments in their CRM system based on the types of products they buy in store. Through our mutual IndentityLink™ integration, the retailer can port 1st-party data segments into the iSpot dashboard to understand how to best reach those audiences on TV and measure how they are converting.

The beauty of this mutual connection is that the data goes both ways. TV impression data can then be pushed back into the brand’s in-house system where digital impressions and sales are recorded, allowing the brand to perform true multi-channel ROI attribution and make future optimizations.

Since our conception, we’ve been on a mission to bring digital-like measurement and attribution to the dinosaur that is the multi-billion-dollar TV Advertising industry, and our partnership with LiveRamp is accelerating us forward in a big way. What’s the bottom line? Our CEO, Sean Muller, said it best in his recent Forbes interview:

“The bridges are now in place for brands to move more fluidly between TV and digital and really optimize their spending based on what is moving the sales needle.”

Watch the video for a closer look at our exciting new partnership with LiveRamp.